Friday, February 1, 2013


Please know that we (teachers) really do want your child to be happy at his/her daycare.  That is our #1 priority.  It serves no purpose for us to make you or your child's daily life miserable (guess what?  It makes our day miserable as well).  If your child is happy--we're happy.  So if you or your child are not happy, then we ALL need to work on it together.  We really are there to work WITH you and not against you.  There are times when we feel that parents are fighting us the whole time instead of trying to work with us to solve any problems.  I promise you that we really do have your child's best interest at heart.  Most of us have done this for many years, so we have a pretty good idea how to deal with most problems (not all--mind you).  If you will trust us and our years of experience we can work with you on most problems.  
Just remember that your child is not the only one in our care, so we cannot always accommodate all your wants and needs.  We have other parents who also have their own demands for their children.  If we have 15 children in a class, then we may have as many as 30 parents we have to make happy.  So please be understanding of our situation.  We really are trying to do the best we can.
If your child remains in the same daycare for several years it makes your life so much easier and pleasant if you work with the staff--not against them.  Most teachers I know will bend over backwards to work with you.  If you treat them with kindness and respect, I promise you that they will return the favor. And really--that's all any of us really wants--kindness and respect.

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